Friday, November 29, 2013

Success or Failure in Syntactical Guidelines

Good Design

The BMW logo is an example of good design. For example, it is orderly in that every element is precisely placed such that it stands out, but supports hierarchy or grouping of the other elements. All of the elements are balanced left to right, up and down. The balance for the up/down comes from the white (or silver) BMW which has a lighter ‘weight’ than the empty black space on the reciprocal bottom. It is leveled because this logo feels stable from everything being left/right, top/bottom balanced; nothing is to an extreme. Finally, I think the grouping of the elements enhances this design as well. Finally I think that by grouping the white/blue elements in the center and surrounding it by black keeps what little dynamism there is, solidly in the middle of the logo, which keeps the viewers attention sin the middle of the logo, the eyes may wander out, but they get pulled back in right away.

Bad Design


Background Removed

Basically, this design fails because your ability to perceive what is being said in the content, or find any pattern that belies a structural hierarchy, is supplanted by the background image. The background image prevents your visual systems from finding any kind of meaningful pattern beyond the bust of Plato.

However, even if you get rid of the background image, as I have done in the second example, the design still fails because there is no hierarchy to lend significance to any of the content. Without a hierarchical system for the elements everything on the page has the same weight. This means that visually, everything has the same importance, which in turn really means nothing on this page is important.

The easy fix for this would be to simply give the elements on the page balanced structure by simply grouping elements or by kind. For example titles should be bold, questions can be lists, etc… I mocked up a quick example of how to improve this design at least 10 fold by simply giving the elements hierarchy.

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