Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Basic Elements


In this screen capture of the AIGA website you can clearly see line active in many places. For example, line creates the edges of the fonts (1), but line is also implied in the negative space between the blocks of content (2), and finally it even acts as the textured background for the website (3).


In this example, shape is used to neatly segment the page into easily digestible info-nuggets. For example, the rectangular structure of (1) defines and segments a segment of the page informing the viewer of the beginning and end of that piece of content. Shapers are also used as important callouts (2), and as utility panels (3).


Finally, color is used to create page boundaries (1), push objects toward the back reducing it’s importance by lowering it’s visibility (2), or pull them forward giving it greater importance or appeal (3).

One interesting example for pushing an item toward the background I have called out specifically to highlight that it’s color and pattern (1) nearly match that of the page background (2), essentially saying it’s hear, but not very important to the in comparison to the surrounding content.

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