Sunday, September 8, 2013

Meaning 1


This toy fox is Representational because it includes a large amount of detailed information. It even tries to inform the user as to what kind of fox it is through its distinct coloring. Also, because of it’s use of color and charm it may enhance a child’s emotional attachment to the toy.


This image is abstract because it is an extremely simplified representation of clam shell. It focuses on the least amount of information necessary that will still convey what it is derived from. I think that it is trying to communicate that Shell Oil has a connection to the ocean and nature, or the natural surroundings. In so doing, it is creating an emotional connection within the viewer which Shell no doubt hopes will be conveyed to them by extension.


I would say that this logo is a pure abstraction because without researching what it means, you would not necessarily pick up that this is the corporate symbol for the Japanese car manufacturer Toyota. It is a pair of overlapping ovals surrounded by a larger one. And as it turns out the two perpendicular and overlapping ovals are supposed to form “T” which symbolizes Toyota. However, I think that without knowing this through marketing and other cultural clues a person would never know this.

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